Low Volume Discharge Authorization Application
Important Notice to Dischargers
You have contacted Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW) regarding the discharge of liquid waste into the sanitary sewers. Be advised that it is illegal to discharge hazardous waste into the sanitary sewers. It is the responsibility of your company to determine whether the liquid waste is classified as a hazardous waste; SVCW does not make this determination. To help with this evaluation you should contact your facility’s Environmental Health and Safety staff, a private consultant, or San Mateo County Environmental Health at (650) 363-4305.
Once the waste is determined to be non-hazardous, SVCW will evaluate the waste for acceptance into the sanitary sewers. Complete the attached form and fax to SVCW. The review process typically takes 1-3 days and the results will be returned to you by fax.
You should be aware that many non-hazardous wastes may impact the SVCW treatment processes. Our treatment facility was designed to treat a limited range of pollutants found in residential wastewater. We encourage you to pursue any available reuse or recycle options before considering discharge to the sanitary sewers.
Questions about this application should be directed to Ben Padua at BPaduaJr@svcw.org.