Silicon Valley Clean Water recently won the 2020 Utility of the Future Today Recognition Program award for our Energy Generation and Recovery program!
By recovering natural gas for energy, SVCW meets up to 70% of the facility’s electrical energy needs. And, nearly 100% of the heat needed for plant processes is recovered through cogeneration. This reduces the amount of carbon-based energy we purchase, meaning we save money while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Biosolids are used for compost or converted for other beneficial uses.
The award, presented by the Water Environment Federation, honors forward-thinking, innovative water utilities that are providing resilient value-added service to communities, particularly in community engagement, watershed stewardship, and recovery of resources such as water, energy, and nutrients. It celebrates our efforts to obtain maximum energy efficiency and sustainability in our wastewater treatment system operations, as well as our work to exceed regulatory requirements.
Learn more about the award program here and our award-winning program here.
For more about our Energy projects, go here.